In church this morning, my Pastor told us of a challenge he heard of on K-LOVE. It's called My One Word. And for the year of 2011, you pick one word that you want to work on for the rest of the year. Words like trust, love, humility, faith, joy, grace. It's a resolution. But a resolution to change the way you live. I know it's a little past new year's, but that's okay. This is a resolution to stick to. The My One Word website it has alot of great resources to help you accomplish your word and stick to it for one year.
What will your Word be?
I picked the word GIVE. Why Give? Because this is the year I'm going to GIVE it all to God. I'm going to give Him my life, my future, worry, stress, time, money, trust, love. I'm going to get up every day and GIVE it all to God.
There's alot I need to give to God! Especially my future. I've been holding onto my future so tighly but God is saying give it to me. Let me take care of it. Give me your worry and I will give you peace. I need to let go.
And worrying! Oh how worrying can sneak into your life. I spend more time worrying than I do praying, sadly. That's something I need to give to God!
I'm excited about My Word. Let's see where God takes this!
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