I thought once I got a blog, I'd be writing in it alot....but I was wrong! Anyway, it's been so crazy. Time is going by too fast! The stores are playing Christmas music already!
But God has been teaching me so much lately. About trusting Him, and giving it all to Him. I recently read the book Radical by David Platt. Great book. It challenged me so much. One of the points that he makes that really got my attention was on page 23:
David Platt is talking to a wealthy man who is thinking of giving away much of what he owns after hearing a sermon on giving to the poor. And the man asks if what he's thinking is crazy, "I wonder at some point if I'm being irresponsible or unwise. But then I realize there is never going to come a day when I stand before God and He looks at me and says, 'I wish you would have kept more for yourself.' I'm confident that God will take care of me."
And that's the question that it all boils down to, do we trust God? Do we trust Him enough to let go and let God ruin our life for the normal? Because if we give our all to God, He's going to take it and turn it into some extraordinary. But do we really trust Him to give Him our all? Our life? Our future?
This is the point I've been stuck at for some time. The point between faith and fear. God is waiting for us to take that step in faith. And even if we fall, He will always be there to catch us. But we have to take that first step.
And if you really get down to it, and really think about it, if God is for us who can be against us? Yes, God might take our life and turn it upside down, but the rewards for living for Him are totally worth it. It all starts with trusting Him.
Psalm 62:8,"Trust in Him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to Him,
for God is our refuge."
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