Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The colors of Fall

So over at Written Inc. , they have a weekly thematic photographs and they invite you in on the fun. So I thought I'd post my Fall entries for theme 165-Welcome Autumn.

The Fall colors hasn't fully reached the trees around here. But this one decided it was time for Fall, despite those around it.

This was taken last year, as my family and I went through a corn maze. Nothing says Fall more than the beatiful colors, pumpkins, and corn mazes.

I used to dread fall. After the beautiful summer and the lazy days, it seemed like a mockery to have to have to start work and everyday life again. But I've come to learn that it's not Fall itself, but it's how you view it. Now, I love the start of Fall. Not so much the things that come with Fall, such as work and school and eventually snow (!) but the season alone.

It seems as if God has taken a paint brush to all of the trees, leaving us in awe of His masterpiece. It's the feeling that you get when you breathe in the cold, crisp air. That something is happening, that feeling of being fully alive. Thanksgiving, pumpkins, color and candy. Fall has alot to offer more to offer than we give it credit for.

Maybe it's not so much that we don't like Fall but rather what comes after it. When the cold weather traps us indoors and the beautiful colors are taken from the trees to return next year. Winter brings it's own cold awe, but I'll wait to write about that when we get there. 

For now, let's just enjoy the scenery and time that God has given us.