Now I LOVE Christmas. Everything from the lights to the tree, to the candlelight service and making food. But the thing I love most about it is the magic of Christmas. For me, it's knowing that two thousand some years ago, my Savior came as baby to save the world. Knowing that people all over the world are celebrating for the same reason you are. Spending time with family. And if you're anything like my family, playing Christmas Carols the day after Thanksgiving!
I get so excited and all caught up in the Christmas Spirit, and then...the day after Christmas, it's all over. It might linger for a few days but then back to real world. Slowly, the Christmas music fades, the Christmas movies stop playing and the decorations go back in the box. The stores take down their displays and Manger scenes get put away until next year. The snow is still here, but the Christmas warmth isn't. After we eat the cookies, return the unwanted gifts and take down the Christmas Lights, it's almost as if Christmas never happened. But then we're forgetting the real reason for Christmas is the first place.
But a song by Matthew West really put into perspective why Christmas shouldn't be just one day. I think I first heard the song last year after Christmas and it really made me think. See what you guys think. I'll just post the end of the song, because I couldn't find any lyrics. But here's what it sounds like:
So take down the stockings
Take back the sweaters
Take down the lights
And the star and the tree
But don't let this world take
Your joy after Christmas
Take joy to the world as you sing
Happy Day after Christmas
Merry Rest of the Year
'Cause even when Christmas is over
The Light of the world is still here.
Matthew West
Isn't that great?! It really makes me look at the day after Christmas a little differently. And if the Light of the World is still here, then why shouldn't we celebrate every day of the year? Let the World know why we are singing. Jesus didn't give us new life so we could live for one day, but every single day!
So here's hoping you had a very Merry Christmas and that you will continue to celebrate the meaning of Christmas the rest of the 364 days of the year!