Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mission Trip to Peru

For anyone reading this, we just got back from Lima, Peru! I have been doing a Discipleship Training School with YWAM and our team of 20 went on a month long trip. God did amazing things and it was life changing.

I saw God work through our team and speak into peoples' lives, especially through the drama that we do called 'Doors'. Doors shows  how we often choose the temptations of sin over following God and how easily ensnared we can get trapped in that. But at the end, God is the only one who sets us free from sin and He has been pursuing us all along. God uses this story in big ways.

One of these was while we were in a place called San Martine Del Porres. We do our drama on the sidewalk of a busy Peruvian street next to where all of the buses stop. We soon have a small crowd. After our drama is over, we go out to talk to the people. I talked to a lady and shared about the drama with her and she was soon crying. She talked to us about how she had been having problems at home and she had been praying that if God loved her that He would show her a sign. She had been taking a bus, far from where she lived, and happened to see our drama. She said that when she saw the drama, she knew we were that sign from God. And she knew that God loved her. We prayed and then she left us saying her life would never be the same.

This is just one of the many stories that I have from our time in Peru. It's just amazing to me to see how God loves and pursues each and everyone of us. He brought this lady on a bus, far from her home, to see us, a group from the United States performing a drama on a Peruvian Street. Crazy. Sometimes we don't realize how much God loves us and wants to speak into our lives.

What is God trying to say in your life?